Last month I was asked to create the cover lettering for OrangeCoast magazine's "Book of Lists" issue. The goal was to create something that looked like it might be pulled off an old bookshelf. It was a pretty quick turn around and a hell of a lot of fun.
New Work: Shirts for POTSC
Earlier this year People of the Second Chance asked me to design a couple shirts using some phrases close to the organization's heart & mission. Really happy with how they turned out.
New Work: Louisville Mural
A few months ago I was asked create a mural for a building undergoing renovation and restoration here in Louisville, KY. The building is being converted to some amazing lofts, nestled right between downtown and the Nulu district. After learning more about the building's rich history and the lengths being taken to preserve & restore it's architecture, it felt like a good fit and a hell of a lot of fun. I was given a few key words to use as inspiration, then told to just roll with it.
Once it had the green light I brought in sign painter extrodinaire, Kirby Stafford, to bring the design to life. Kirby and I collaborated on the highlands mural nearly 2 years ago, and I was excited to have the opportunity to work together again. A yardstick, stick of chalk and printed piece of paper of the layout is all he needed, and he couldn't have done a better job. Kirby's craft and attention to detail is second to none and it was amazing to watch.
Finished Photography by Chris Higdon. Process photos by Bryan Patrick Todd.
New Work: Wild Echoes Submission
Last weekend Forest Giant hosted "Wild Echoes", an art exhibition that invited 40 of our favorite artists to create new work inspired by "the forest". The exhibition featured a wide breadth of styles and media. Most of the artists hail from Louisville or the greater Bluegrass region, with a few contributing from more distant locales as well.
Though it proved to be a challenge I really had a blast making this piece and couldn't have been happier with the results.
The roster of artists in this show was incredible and it was an honor to be among so many talented artists, designers and makers.
Machine cut and stained birch ply. 17"x21"
New Work: On Your Left Cycles
New shirts for On Your Left Cyles, an amazing bike shop here in Louisville that pretty much does it all. Custom builds, tune ups, sales... you name it. I wanted to do something fun and tie in everything the shop is about. Included are some other elements and ideas i played with while creating the design.